Account Opening |

Turkish Bank (UK) Ltd offers a variety of accounts to accommodate your needs.
If you wish to open an account with us, please book an appointment on 0800 032 0480 or at any of our branches and we can discuss this in detail.
Please bring one photo ID and one address verification document with you.
The following list gives the main types of identification document showing date of birth which may be accepted.
- Full valid passport (note: a passport must be pre-signed and not expired to be valid). If a Visa is present, it must be valid for a minimum of 6 months from the date the account is opened. For Students, this is 3 months from the date the account is opened provided it is supported by a formal letter from your School.
- Valid driving licence with photograph (If it is the new UK photo card licence it can be used either for identification or address verification, but not both.)
Address Verification
In addition to the name it is important that the current permanent address, including postcode, is verified as it forms an integral part of identity.
The following list gives the main types of address verification documents, which may be accepted. All documents seen must be originals and at least one of the following must be obtained for all accounts opened. ALL DOCUMENTS MUST BE LESS THAN 3 MONTHS OLD
- Recent utility bill (e.g. Gas, electric)
- Full driving licence. (If it is a UK photo card licence it cannot also be taken as identification).
- Bank/Building Society/Credit or Store Card statement
- Local Authority tax bill
- Council Rent, Council Tax, utility or finance company payment book.
Lending Standards Board
The Bank subscribes to the Lending Standards Code which is a self-regulatory Lending Code administered by the Lending Standards Board. The Code sets minimum standards of good service that you should expect from banks, building societies and other providers of banking services.
The internet link of the Lending Standards Board’s website is as follows The Boards home website also contains detailed information and updates.
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