90 Day Notice Account |

If you have any queries please call us on:
0800 320 480
The minimum deposit to open and be maintained is £1,000. Further deposits to the 90 Day Notice account are to be at a minimum of £500, however smaller amounts may be accepted at Management discretion.
- Deposits can be made by payments received from the customer’s account at another UK Bank or by cheque.
- Joint accounts can be opened for customers who currently have joint customer records and accounts.
- 90 Days’ Notice is required for all withdrawals. Early withdrawals before the expiry of the 90 Days’ Notice period are not permitted.
- Customers can withdraw funds by making transfers to an account with Turkish Bank (UK) Ltd or to an account in your name elsewhere.
- Statements will be issued quarterly if there are any transactions, otherwise annually.
- Interest will be paid semiannually on 30th June and 31st December.
- Variable interest rates apply to the account.
Click here for current interest rates
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