35 Day Notice Account |

If you have any queries please call us on:
0800 320 480
- The account is available to UK Residents and Non Residents and suitable to Business and Personal customers as well as other types of account holders (charities, clubs, societies, trusts, etc.).This product is available from our branches regardless of your residential status.
- The minimum amount to open and maintain such accounts is GBP 2,500, USD 5,000 or EUR 5,000. Additional deposits or withdrawals can be made for any amount.
- You can have access to the funds in the account by giving written notice 35 days in advance.
- Any withdrawals allowed prior to the end of the notice period shall be subject to a penalty charge: 35 days loss of interest. Min charge £10.00
- There is a competitive rate of interest for balances above the minimum requirements.
- Interest on the balance will be paid monthly. Statements will be issued quarterly.
Click here for current interest rates
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